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Combinatorics is Fun


I did some fun combinatorial exercises to reach an optimal O(n) solution for an “easy” level leetcode problem (LeetCode 1588).

Look at the problem and think for 5 minutes. It is relatively easy to reach this approach: For each element \(a_i\), if you can find the count of odd-length sub-arrays containing it, denoted as \(n_i\), the sum of all odd-length sub-arrays will be equal to \(\sum a_i n_i\). The interesting part is how we can find out \(n_i\).

Step 1: visualize all sub-arrays

Let’s use a tuple (i,j) to denote a sub-array where i and j are the start and end index. Then we can plot all sub-arrays of an array with length L in the table below.

(0,  0)
(0,  1)  (1,  1)
(0,  2)  (1,  2)  (2,  2)
(0,  3)  (1,  3)  (2,  3)  (3,  3)
(0,  4)  (1,  4)  (2,  4)  (3,  4)  (4,  4)
...      ...      ...      ...      ...     ... 
(0,L-1)  (1,L-1)  (2,L-1)  (3,L-1)  (4,L-1) ... (L-1,L-1)

Step 2: visualize all sub-arrays containing a specific element

For an element \(a_i\), let’s mark all sub-arrays containing it in the table below. For example, those surrounded in the box below are the sub-arrays who contain \(a_1\).

 (0,  0)          sub-arrays containing a1
|(0,  1)  (1,  1)|
|(0,  2)  (1,  2)| (2,  2)
|(0,  3)  (1,  3)| (2,  3)  (3,  3)
|(0,  4)  (1,  4)| (2,  4)  (3,  4)  (4,  4)
|...      ...    | ...      ...      ...     ... 
|(0,L-1)  (1,L-1)| (2,L-1)  (3,L-1)  (4,L-1) ... (L-1,L-1)

As another example, below are the sub-arrays who contain \(a_3\).

 (0,  0)
 (0,  1)  (1,  1)
 (0,  2)  (1,  2)  (2,  2)           sub-arrays containing a3
|(0,  3)  (1,  3)  (2,  3)  (3,  3)|
|(0,  4)  (1,  4)  (2,  4)  (3,  4)| (4,  4)
|...      ...      ...      ...    | ...     ... 
|(0,L-1)  (1,L-1)  (2,L-1)  (3,L-1)| (4,L-1) ... (L-1,L-1)

For generalization, given any \(a_i\), there exists a rectangular “table”, where each “cell” represents a sub-array containing \(a_i\), illustrated as below.

|(0,  i)  (1,  i)  (2,  3) ... (i,  i)|
|(0,i+1)  (1,i+1)  (2,i+1) ... (i,i+1)|
|...      ...      ...     ... ...    |
|(0,L-1)  (1,L-1)  (2,L-1) ... (i,L-1)|

We can see the width of the table is \((i+1)\) and the height is \((L-i)\) so there are \((i+1) \times (L-i)\) sub-arrays in total.

A non-visual proof: For a sub-array starting at \(m\) and ending at \(n\), we have \(m \leq i \leq n\) if \(a_i\) is in it. Thus, there are \(i + 1\) choices to pick m in the range of 0...i and \(L - i\) choices of n in the range of i...L-1.

Step 3: find out how many sub-arrays in the table have odd lengths

Observation 1: the top-right corner cell (i, i) is a sub-array with length = 1 which is odd.

Observation 2: given any cell, its 4 neighbors (top, down, left, right) must have a length with different parity. i.e.

  • If a cell is even length, all 4 neighbors must be odd.
  • If a cell is odd length, all 4 neighbors must be even.

Let’s mark odd-length cells with o and even-length with x. We obtain a chessboard-like shape and just need to find out how many o are there in the table.

|.. x o x o|<--- the top-right cell must be o
|.. o x o x|
|.. x o x o|

Observation 3: there are half of the cells are o (in most cases). See examples below.

|x o|
|o x|
|o x o|
|x o x|
|x o|
|o x|
|x o|

Observation 4: there is an exception: if the total number of cells is an odd number, there will be one more o than x.

|o x o|
|x o x|
|o x o|

Given all the observations above, we can tell the total number of o cells are (N + 1) // 2, where N is the total number of cells in the table, which we already know in step 2 is \((i+1)\times(L-i)\).

Final solution in Python

class Solution:
    def sumOddLengthSubarrays(self, arr):
        return sum(((i + 1) * (len(arr) - i) + 1) // 2 * n for i, n in enumerate(arr))


Some refresh of tricks about division: In Python x // y is a round-down division. For round-up division, one way is to import math and use math.ceil. Another way of rounding up is (x + y - 1) // y. In the exercise above, (N + 1) // 2 is a special case of this formula.

>>> for x in range(20):
...     print(x, math.ceil(x / 5), (x + 4) // 5)
0 0 0
1 1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1
4 1 1
5 1 1
6 2 2
7 2 2
8 2 2
9 2 2
10 2 2
11 3 3
12 3 3
13 3 3
14 3 3
15 3 3
16 4 4
17 4 4
18 4 4
19 4 4
Feedbacks are welome: @czheo